The cost of medical malpractice insurance has been rising, in large part, due to the growing size and increasing frequency of claims and soaring defense costs. As a result, liability insurance premiums for doctors and hospitals are rising to levels where many can no longer remain profitable; forcing some to relocate, and others to reduce service levels, or worse… close their doors forever.
According to the Physician Insurers Association of America[13] (PIAA), the most disturbing trends regarding medical malpractice claims are the proportion of those filed which are “ultimately determined to be without merit.”
- Sixty-one percent (61%) of all claims filed against individual practitioners were dropped or dismissed by the court.
- An additional 5.7% were won by the doctor at trial.
- Only 33.2% of all claims closed were found to have merit. However, when the claim was concluded at verdict, the defendant prevailed an astonishing 80% of the time.
Since we all run the risk of not being able to find a doctor or critical health service when we need it most, an important question that everyone needs to consider is:
What can we, as average citizens do to reverse these trends?
Educate ourselves, and take responsibility for achieving our desired outcomes!
PHIERS will help patients make better informed decisions by helping them understand the options available to them, as well as expected outcomes and risks. As such, patients will be better equipped to play an effective role in managing their health, increasing the likelihood of achieving their desired medical outcome(s)…
Patients who avoid negative outcomes experience better results, and are much less likely to file suit. As a result, with PHIERS, the insurance industry can enjoy a dramatic reduction in the number of baseless malpractice claims, and physicians and hospitals may benefit from subsequent reductions in their premiums.
Most importantly, however, patients and their families will once again enjoy convenient access to the right medical resources when they need them most—before the mistakes are made.